Its origins dates back to the second half of the year one thousand and carried out by the Normans, who built the Castle on the cliff for their defence. Under Frederick II the walls have been reinforced and it was built a tower called “Rocca Imperiale” (Imperial Fortress).
At the end of the village, along the road cutting the mount, there are grottos still lived in dug in the rock, an alternation of doors, an overlapping of terraces and houses with cupola-shaped roofs, a bit Moorish, Byzantine and Islamic.
The houses have long balconies decorated with flowers, high doors and small staircases without fences.
Going down a steep staircase the sea reappears, where there is the beautiful grotto Jalillo, communicating with the abbey of Calena, along two kilometres of a subway path. The passage was used by the monks to escape from the pirates and sailing away with fortune boats.
The small tourist port extends on the sea, that sea of a unique clearness, where stones can be counted, while the colours change meter by meter: blue sea, green sea, emerald sea.
This small port constitutes a meeting point for the fishermen and tourist boats.
The ferryboat to the Tremity islands stops here and the motor boats too, for visiting the fascinating grottos of the Gargano.
Its coast is rich of fascinating grottos alternating with wide golden beaches, extending gently towards the blue sea, where we meet the “trabucchi” which is a still working fishing system. They are made with sticks drove into the rock and with ropes holding a big mesh immerged into the water, called “trabocchetto” (trick), where the name comes from and here the fish is captured.